These messages by Dr. David Feddes come from the book of Acts. Click a link for video.
Jesus’ Ascension (Acts 1:1-11)
Pentecost: Wind, Fire, and Water
The Holy Spirit in Action (Acts 2:1-4)
The Spirit’s Impact (Acts 2:1-4)
Filled With the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-21, 36-41)
Spirit-Filled Church (Acts 2:1-4; 37-47)
Reversing Babel (Genesis 11:1-9, Acts 2:1-12) (Acts class, Unit 3)
Children of Promise (Acts 2:36-41)
Family of Faith at Fifteen (Acts 2:37-47)
Family of Faith at Twenty (Acts 2:37-47)
Astonishing Boldness (Acts 4:1-20)
What Happens in Revival? (Acts 4:23-31)
The First Deacons (Acts 6:1-7)
Mr. Encouragement (Acts 11:19-30)
Baptism and Faith (Acts 16:13-34)
You and Your Household (Acts 16:9-40)
Turning the World Upside Down (Acts 17:1-9)
The Unknown God (Acts 17:16-34)